Sunday, May 5, 2013

A little bit about me

My name is Jessica and I am super excited to start this pre-k blog.  I love looking at other teacher's blogs and finding new ideas to use.  I can't wait to start putting up some of the things I like to do in my classroom to share with others!

To tell you a little bit about myself, this is my third year teaching pre-k and I absolutely love everything about it!  I love it so much that I decided to teach at two schools in one day!  It's very tiring, but worth it at the same time.  I also am a brand new mama to a beautiful 5 month old girl named Isabella.  I really believe that being a mom has helped me to become an even better teacher, which is fantastic, and being a teacher is helping me to be the best mom I can be. :-)  This blog will be mainly things that I do in my classroom and things that I have tried.  There might be a few baby things posted now and then, because it's hard not to share all of the things she is learning and doing!  I am also going to try putting some of my ideas on teachers pay teachers, so we will see how that goes.